Version 6.13

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  1. Added new integration with HubSpot via new connector functionality, extending your applications to create HubSpot Contacts.
  2. Added new integration with DocuSign via new connector functionality, extending your applications to allow creation of complex eSignature workflows with print process output.
  3. Added new integration with Twilio via new connector functionality, extending your applications to allow sending of SMS alerts when specific actions occur.
  4. Added a series of Custom Action Lifecycle Events that allow you to hook into certain moments in the calculation processing of a designer application without being triggered by a button.




  1. Included a new stub editor, which allows users to more easily and clearly inject stubs into editor controls that support them.
  2. Added Text option for print process document stubs, allowing injection of Excel-formatted value.
  3. Added the ability to clear list references in the metadata editor (Names module).
  4. Added validated indicator on the connectors page and events dropdown to designate if the connector has been appropriately validated.
  5. On the edit application screen, preventing save prior to the spreadsheet being fully uploaded.
  6. Resolved an issue with menu height when using sidebar navigation and the fixed flag.
  7. Added a splash screen to the control properties while they are loading in the user interface designer.
  8. Added smarter merge for Excel export template bindings to prevent losing bindings when updating the file.
  9. Resolved an issue where document stubs were not identifying image stubs in the footer.
  10. Resolved an issue where input grid button selection was not carried over during import/export.
  11. Resolved an issue in combo charts where area data was exceeding the defined axes.
  12. Resolved an issue with bar charts axis crossing settings.
  13. Resolved an issue with axis title and data labels overlapping when y-axis is displayed on the right.
  14. Resolved an issue with x-axis label placement when vertical overlapping the x-axis itself.
  15. Resolved an issue with currency and percentage data mask symbols not appearing in labels.
  16. Resolved an issue where toggle-style checkbox does not function appropriately in rare scenarios.
  17. Resolved an issue with bubble chart were large bubbles were overlapping data labels.
  18. Resolved an issue with file attachment control tooltip content being emptied out after saving.
  19. Resolved an issue with first label of data not showing in the x-axis.
  20. Resolved an issue with y-axis limits not preventing data outside of the limits from rendering in the charts.
  21. Resolved an issue with popover content scrollbar being frozen.
  22. Resolved an issue with button-based sliders falling into separate lines when label size is large.
  23. Resolved an issue where overridden metadata editor values are not retained when starting subsequent transactions.
  24. Resolved an issue with content editor where insert link’s “Open in New Window” checkbox was not clickable.
  25. Resolved an issue in ADT grids that could cause permanent “processing” message.
  26. Resolved an issue with radio button lists that include items containing leading or trailing whitespace characters.
  27. Updated non-responsive input grids to include the scrollbar directly in the grid, fixing the positioning of all other table-related elements (e.g. buttons, search, pagination).
  28. Added bound named ranges to display in the Edit Table page of the Database Designer.
  29. Removed HasFormula checkbox from grid column properties.
  30. Resolved an issue with datetime sorting in grids.
  31. Resolved an issue where Excel export files tied to Dropbox connectors were not properly mapped out.
  32. Removed “All” label from location map legends.
  33. Resolved an issue with multiple output grids containing percentage-sized columns not aligning appropriately in Firefox.
  34. Resolved an issue with print processes freezing if document contains file upload image stubs.
  35. Resolved an issue with column-line combo charts labels rendering incorrectly.
  36. Resolved an issue with standard maps not loading when opening a record.
  37. Resolved a rare issue with some input grid columns not being editable when they should be.
  38. Resolved a rare issue with some input grid dynamic headers not updating appropriately.
  39. Resolved an issue with chart heights not scaling down below 400px.
  40. Resolved an issue with line chart tooltips and labels showing different values despite having same formats.
  41. Resolved an issue with radio buttons including empty text.
  42. Removing events and connectors from extracted files when they are not meant to be extracted.
  43. Resolved an issue with bar chart label placement for rare scenarios.
  44. Resolved an issue with column chart label missing from the maximum data point.
  45. Updated short date value to not return time values.
  46. Resolved an issue where extra small and large button size appeared the same as medium size in a series of stylesheet templates.
  47. Resolved a series of various, minor stylesheet issues.


Control Panel

  1. Updated the converted application HTML-to-PDF component.



  1. Updated the Create Visualization dialog to be more usable on smaller screens.
  2. Resolved Manage Colors window now being usable on smaller screens.
  3. Resolved an issue with bar/column multiples charts causing bars to overlap with one another during animation or after filter application.
  4. Resolved an issue with matrix diagram creation failing when date columns are used in the Column field.
  5. Resolved an issue with matrix diagram creation where colored circles appear shifted.
  6. Resolved an issue with dashboard applications not loading in Internet Explorer.