Record Locking

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Record Locking essentially gives the users exclusive rights to the record they are actively editing. To change record locking settings, go to the Edit Application menu on the designer interface.

If Record Locking is disabled, the web application will be following a “last-save-wins” scenario. This means that when two different users open the same record in edit mode, the system will keep the data of the user that saved the record last. In other words, if user 1 opens a record and starts editing it, and then user 2 opens the same record, and saves it after user 1 has already pressed the save button, the second user’s data will override the first user’s data. You can still see the first user’s data when you open the history page of the record, but the latest version of the record will be the what the second user saved.

Enabling Record Locking will also allow you to select an Inactive Record Locking Timeout duration. This property controls how long a record will be locked before it is automatically unlocked for user inactivity. This timer will reset when the active user is changing the input controls, or triggering other run-time events. If the active user is about to lose their exclusive rights to an active record, they will receive a system message shortly before this lockout period ends, and can choose to extend their time.

When the user is locked out of a record, they will receive a message, and be redirected to the Data page.

When you enable record locking, the changes will go into effect immediately, without requiring you to publish the application. After that point, if a record is locked, admin-level users will see a padlock icon next to that record, and be able to unlock the record by pressing this button.