GetRecord (Application-Level)

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This method helps to get the application data from primary table associated with record id.


This method requires an authentication token regardless of the access level of the application.


Target Endpoint

POST /Api/Applications/GetRecord



Property Name


Is Required?


ApplicationKey String Required The application key, corresponding to your specific web service application. This constitutes the identifier for the requested resource.
RecordId int Required RecordId of application data that will be retrieved from the primary table.
UserName String Required Username of the person trying to access the record.
Request Sample


POST /Api/Applications/GetRecord HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer Do3l_2l3uLdmYX76u-BufLzuuhFPOE-nRZDyU0adiFk1
Content-Type: application/json

Body (formatted)

"RecordId": 1,
"UserName": "ssweb",
"ApplicationKey": "a4dcfb4f0464453b928ce1d6bcfb6aa3"

Property Name



Success Boolean Indicated whether or not the request was successful in getting the data record based on the provided token and application key.
Data object with schema:



“FieldName”: “Value”


All application data in primary table associated with Record Id.
InvalidToken Boolean If the request is unsuccessful, indicates whether or not the failure was due to token.
Messages Array of String A list of messages, which can be used or captured for diagnostics. When requests are unsuccessful, the reason for the failure will be documented in the Messages list.
Note: If the authentication token used in the request does not support impersonation, response will not be successful.
Response Sample (Success)


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Body (formatted)

"Data": {
"Description": "deneme",
"InputA": "3",
"InputB": "6",
"InputC": "7",
"OutputA": "16",
"PagosMultiTable_TableInput": "",
"ID": "1",
"UserName": "",
"EntryDate": "4/10/2018 2:36:52 PM",
"LastUpdateDate": "4/10/2018 2:36:52 PM",
"CurrentStatusIndex": "0",
"intLastEditUserID": "",
"dtLastEdit": "",
"EditID": "",
"IsActive": "True",
"intVersionId": "23",
"intExtensionId": "",
"intGroupId": "",
"OverwriteFbi": "",
"VersionID": "",
"intCounter": "",
"SSWebCachingInfo": ""
"Success": true,
"InvalidToken": false,
"Messages": []
Response Sample (Failure)


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Body (formatted)

Example 1:

"Data": null,
"Success": false,
"InvalidToken": false,
"Messages": [
"The associated token does not have rights to access these resources."
Example 2:
"Data": null,
"Success": false,
"InvalidToken": true,
"Messages": [
"The requested resource is restricted and your request did not provide a valid token."