Used Named Ranges

In SpreadsheetWEB, named ranges are a feature that simplifies handling cell references. Named ranges allow users to work with cells more intuitively by assigning meaningful names to them. This article explains the ‘Used Named Ranges‘ section within the SpreadsheetWEB Hub, where you can review all the named ranges currently in use within your application.

To view your application’s named ranges, navigate to the SpreadsheetWEB Hub. Then, select the target application from your application list.

Click the ‘Used Ranges’ link in the application dashboard.

The ‘Used Named Ranges’ page displays a table containing the following columns:

Named Range: This column lists the user-defined names assigned to specific cell ranges within your application. These names are used to reference cells elsewhere in the application more conveniently.

Worksheet Name: This displays the worksheet’s name where the named range exists. Each named range is linked to a specific worksheet within your application.

Cell Reference: The exact cell location or group of cells to which the named range points are shown here. This uses standard Excel cell reference notation.

Referenced By: Here, you’ll find information about where and how each named range is used within your application’s controls.


The Referenced By Column 

Type: Identifies the user interface element referencing the named range, such as a data entry field or a calculation control.

PageSequenceId: The sequence ID of the page where the control is located. This is especially useful for multi-page applications.

ControlSequenceId: A unique identifier for each control within a page.

ControlType: The type of control, such as a textbox or calendar, linked to the named range.

DependencyType: Specifies how the control uses the named range. For example, a control might display the value of the named range or use it to calculate other values.