To utilize the run feature for batch analysis with an Excel-based model, follow these summarized steps:

  • Go to the application’s webpage and download the Excel file model you need for analysis.
  • Obtain a customer data file and import it into SpreadsheetWeb using the import function. This can typically be done through a drag-and-drop interface. You do not need to import the Total Premium column data at this stage, as it will be calculated later.
  • After importing; go back to the data page. Select the records you want to analyze (you can choose specific records or opt for “run all” to explore all at once). Then, click “run” to start the batch analysis.
  • Once the analysis is complete, the page will refresh to show the updated Premium columns with the calculated values.
  • If needed, you can modify the Excel model to reflect any changes in the criteria or assumptions (like pricing strategies). Save these changes and upload the revised Excel model to the application.
  • Return to the data page and rerun the analysis with the updated Model to see how the changes affect the premium values.
  • Remember, processing up to 250 records at a time in a public cloud environment is limited, which doesn’t apply to private cloud setups. This process allows businesses to efficiently simulate and forecast the impact of strategic decisions on essential metrics.